Vicki Hunt

Painting, Drawing & Digital Art

Vicki’s simple love of drawing has developed into a passion for intricate detail using fountain pen and Japanese ink. She enjoys the jeopardy of a possible ink leak while doing such fine pen work! A love of nature is evident in all Vicki’s work; with recurring themes of seed heads, botanicals and wild animals. Her ‘Language in the Landscape’ series introduces poetry to illustration, presenting the opportunity to use language in a visual way, to create the sense of a place that makes it so special. 

About The Artist

Vicki is an obsessive creator. Even as a very young child most of her time was spent learning how to make things, draw and paint.

Vicki turned down a place at Art College, forced to abandon education by a need to earn a living. This didn’t stop her being creative. “I absolutely believe that the way to become accomplished in anything creative is just to keep doing it, learning and developing constantly. I have become an artist while working and raising my three fabulous boys.”

Vicki uses traditional methods in her work, but has found that digital drawing gives her the opportunity to take those pieces to another level. Some of her work is drawn purely digitally, like the ‘Language in the Landscape’ series. She enjoys the freedom it gives her to work from anywhere.

Contact Vicki

Vicki Hunt Artist