Meet The Maker – Dawn Gear

Dawn is a New Forest based Jeweller known for her range of individually designed statement earrings. 


Hi Dawn, How did you get into making  jewellery?

I have always made things, starting with some very well dressed dolls sporting plastic jewellery to die for!  I absolutely loved the bright plastic jewellery of the 60’s and still have some to this day. As I grew up and went abroad I started to collect a piece of jewellery from every country I visited whilst dabbling with various techniques, but it wasn’t until a Saturday course in silversmithing at Peter Symonds College in Winchester that I immediately knew that working with silver was the way I wanted to go. 


What sets you up for a day in the studio?

Well definitely some strong coffee and if possible a wander around the garden, which is my other passion and a source of constant inspiration. The cat may join me to add his own unique perspective.  I am very good at talking to myself, the plants and the cat!

silver earrings with bird detail
crochet hook and scissors with wire
Dawn Gear Crochet Earrings
jeweller at workbench

Do you have a favourite tool or process?

Almost all my pieces are textured and I generally achieve this with my rolling mill.  I pick up items from nature but also haunt haberdashery stores, especially the bargain bin, for offcuts of ribbon and lace – anything that I can use to make another piece unique.  I have also become rather attached to my tiny 0.75mm crochet hook for my new crochet designs.

What personal touches do you like to include in your work?

I do particularly love making long earrings and in many ways I make every pair for me and what I would like to wear.  I have recently started texturing both sides of the silver and do like a three dimensional shape so that they look good from the back as well as the front.  Each pair tends to evolve as I am making them and every pair is unique.  Of course I also have my own Hallmark.

silver earrings in leaf shape with gold detail

What do you do to relax?

I am lucky to have a large garden in the New Forest and I spend a lot of time tending the plants.  I am also fascinated by all the birds, bugs, bees and butterflies and like to identify and photograph them. 

What are you currently working on?

During lockdown I started knitting in the evenings to pass the time – until everyone I knew had been given a scarf whether they wanted one or not! I decided to transfer this new activity to jewellery and so am currently enjoying making colourful crochet wire earrings, working with enamelled copper and fine silver wire. 

A pair of wire crochet earrings in gold on a marble backdrop

What do you think you would be doing if you weren’t a jeweller?

I wanted to go to Art College when I was young but took a different route due to circumstance.  So definitely something artistic or design based. Perhaps a Garden Designer with a show garden at Chelsea – I may as well aim for the top!!

What are you looking forward to in 2022?

Creatively I am trying to combine my silversmithing experience with the wire crochet, and look forward to experimenting with other fabric techniques such as knit and weave.  Personally I am really looking forward to more travel and finally visiting Africa once again – a safari trip which has been booked since 2019!

Visit Dawn’s page in the Member’s Directory – Dawn Gear

Dawn’s work can also be viewed on her Website or Etsy Shop or follow on Instagram

Dawn is also a member of Artful Collective. Click here to find out more about becoming a member.